The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

The Importance of Natural Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Episode Notes

Dr. James Loomis and Caryn Dugan delve into the crucial topic of osteoporosis, emphasizing the necessity of adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, primarily through natural sources. They highlight that while many people associate calcium with milk, the calcium therein comes from the grass cows consume. Notably, tofu, collard greens, and sesame seeds are potent sources of calcium. Vitamin D, acting more like a hormone, is essential for calcium absorption and is primarily acquired from the sun. Furthermore, the importance of regular weight-bearing physical activity, such as walking, in maintaining bone health is underscored. With modern sedentary lifestyles, integrating consistent physical activity is pivotal for reducing fracture risk and promoting overall health. #BoneHealth #NaturalCalciumSources #PhysicalActivityBenefits