The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

Panel Of Health Experts Answers Some Of The Most Pressing Questions About Keeping Healthy In Today's Times

Episode Notes

Panel Of Health Experts Answers Some Of The Most Pressing Questions About Keeping Healthy In Today's Times


Dr. Gerald Curatola 


• Book – The Mouth Body Connection


Sunil Pai, MD 


• Book - An Inflammation Nation


Clinton Ober 


• Book – Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?


David Wolfe 


• Book - The Beauty Diet


Dr. Alan Goldhamer 

• http:// 

• Book - The Pleasure Trap


#PreventIllness #HealthyLifestyle #HealingTechniques #TreatingDisease


Dr. Gerald Curatola is the founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry and the author of the The Mouth-Body Connection. The Mouth-Body Connection explores the bi-directional relationship between the health of your mouth and your body and provides a groundbreaking program for creating a healthy mouth that will help maintain a healthy body.The mouth acts as mirror and a gateway and reflects what is happening in the rest of your body and the health of your mouth appears to have a profound impact on the rest of your body. Chronic, low-grade oral disease is a major source of inflammation throughout your body, which can sometimes result in serious systemic problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and premature birth. Dr. Curatola received three United States Patents for his clinical research and formulations, and he is the co-inventor of the first “prebiotic” oral care formulation, Revitin ( Dr. Curatola’s dental work has been featured on The Doctor Oz Show, CBS, FOX and ABC television networks, and he has published extensively in professional and lay publications. Dr. Curatola’s latest book, The Mouth-Body Connection, explores the intricate bidirectional pathways between oral and systemic disease. 


To Contact Gerald Curatola go to


Dr Sunil Pai, MD is an internationally recognized expert in Integrative Medicine, author, radio host, health activist/influencer and thought leader in the wellness industry. His book An Inflammation Nation: The Definitive 10-Step Guide to Preventing and Treating All Diseases through Diet, Lifestyle, and the Use of Natural Anti-Inflammatories. Dr. Pai’s hobbies include playing drums, guitar and music trivia and he thus he is known as the “RocDoc”. Dr. Pai lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and his other interests include hiking and walking his dog, plant-based cooking and yoga.


To Contact Dr Sunil Pai M.D.go to


Clinton Ober is the innovator behind the Grounding Movement and author of Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? From his years expertise in the grounding of hardware technology, he developed the working hypothesis on how: Grounding the human body to the Earth could normalize the functioning of all of the body’s systems.


The idea about how the body utilizes the earth’s electrical potential and free electrons to maintain its internal electrical stability, normalizing all of its self-regulating and self-healing systems. Grounding has now become a massive international movement — causing people to shed their shoes and reconnect electrically to the surface of the Earth.


To Contact Clinton Ober go to


David Avocado Wolfe is an American author, spokesman and social media influencer. He is a promoter of raw foodism and alternative medicine and has written several booksDavid Wolfe’s book The Beauty Diet reveals why a natural, toxin-free lifestyle is not only the best way to achieve lasting beauty, it is the only way. Under Wolfe’s guidance, we learn easy and effective dietary and lifestyle changes like implementing organic superfoods and super herbs, and detoxifying the liver, kidneys, lungs, and colon with special tonics and supplements. David “Avocado” Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity universe. The world’s top CEOs, ambassadors, celebrities, athletes, artists, and the real superheroes of this planet—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition, and chocolate!


To Contact David Wolfe go to


Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Doctor of Chiropractic, author and founder of TrueNorth Health Center, a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, as well as massage and body work. He is also director of the Center’s groundbreaking residential health education program. Articulate, inspiring and energetic, Dr. Goldhamer is one of the most pioneering and dedicated visionaries in health today. Dr. Goldhamer has supervised the fasts of thousands of patients. Under his guidance, the Center has become one of the premier training facilities for doctors wishing to gain certification in the supervision of therapeutic fasting.


To Contact Dr. Alan Goldhamer go to



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