The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

Illuminating the Hidden Cruelty of Animal Agriculture

Episode Notes

The Inherent Cruelties of Animal Farming: A Heart-Wrenching Reality": In this poignant segment, speaker Hope Bohanec unveils the harsh realities that lurk behind the labels of small and family farms. Drawing attention to the unimaginable sufferings and betrayal the animals undergo, she urges listeners to reassess the widely-accepted norms of the industry. She highlights the inherent cruelties these animals endure, emphasizing the immense disconnect between the public's perception of "humane" labels and the actual grim circumstances on the ground. Through her vivid description of the living conditions and the unceremonious killing of billions of baby chicks, Bohanec seeks to awaken the conscience of her audience, urging them to face the uncomfortable truth of animal farming. #RealityOfAnimalFarming #InherentCruelty #HumaneHoax