The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

Holistic Health

Episode Notes

Holistic Health


Join Anthony Lim, M.D., as he takes us on an enlightening journey towards holistic health. In this compelling presentation, Dr. Lim shares his personal transformation towards plant-based nutrition, unravels myths about this lifestyle, and provides inspiring examples from his patients. He further explores the balance of lifestyle and medication, the power of food, and the significant role nutrition plays in addiction recovery and managing chronic diseases. A must-watch for anyone seeking a healthier, more balanced life.



Medical and Health information changes constantly. Therefore, the information provided in this podcast should not be considered current, complete, or exhaustive. Reliance on any information provided in this podcast is solely at your own risk.


The Real Truth About Health does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, or opinions referenced in the following podcasts, nor does it exercise any authority or editorial control over that material. The Real Truth About Health provides a forum for discussion of public health issues. The views and opinions of our panelists do not necessarily reflect those of The Real Truth About Health and are provided by those panelists in their individual capacities. The Real Truth About Health has not reviewed or evaluated those statements or claims.