The Real Truth About Health Free 17 Day Live Online Conference Podcast

Early Intervention and Prevention: The Key to Combating Alzheimer's

Episode Notes

Dale Bredesen, M.D., delves into the intricacies of Alzheimer's disease, emphasizing its complex nature and challenging the conventional approach to treatment. He details the degradation seen in Alzheimer's brains, highlighting the loss of synapses and other notable observations such as the involvement of the locus ceruleus. Bredesen also points out the various risk factors, from genetic predispositions like APOE4 to external pathogens. He critiques the past failures in the field and underscores the need for comprehensive understanding and multifaceted treatment approaches. The takeaway is clear: Alzheimer's is more than just an amyloid issue. #AlzheimersResearch #BeyondAmyloid #BredesenInsights